Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bliggedy Blog

I have not died, FYI. I don't know where the time has been going. I have been in cahoots with Ms.Savido about getting grad project first trimester. I have proposed this because I would like to still be interested and excited about my topic, which I should be in the Fall. I don't want it third trimester because I tend to procrastinate and I just know that I will be super stressed out and I would like to enjoy my last trimester at City High. I can't believe I'm talking about a last trimester. There are only three left. It seems like this year flew, I'm not going to go on about missing this place, but that is crazy. Now I'm getting off topic and just typing what I think, so I'm going to go.

Currently I am still going through printouts and highlighting.
We stopped at the Carnegie Library in Oakland off the Pitt Campus on Tuesday.
I found a few books, but no Post Secret books.
Charles is doing his project on Art Therapy and he found several useful books, so I'm not too worried.

Samantha Burek Ennis I

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