Friday, May 29, 2009

Productive Day

I did all of my Work Cited today, I am unsure if we are supposed to post it on here or not, so I will just save it to my H drive. I have finally finished my key terms, which took much too long to think of. I am beginning to worry that as interesting as Post Secret is, it may not be complex enough to build a grad project on. It is also of no help that I am beginning to think getting in touch with Frank Warren will be much harder than expected and even if I were to, I am unsure what I would ask. None the less, here are my key terms:

  • Secret: not open or public; kept private or not revealed
  • Anonymous: having no known name or identity or known source
  • Art Therapy: Art therapy is the use of creative activities to improve physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual well-being
  • Post: affix in a public place or for public notice; Or after something happens
  • Easter Egg: a hidden program or feature in a webpage
  • Post Secret: Post Secret is an ongoing community mail art project in which people mail their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard.
  • Lie: A statement that deviates from or perverts the truth.
  • Therapy: Treatment of disease or disability, physical or mental; Healing power or quality
  • Healing: The natural process by which the body repairs itself
  • Archives: Collection of records especially about an institution

I also added all of the websites I have been using as sources to my links box on the right of the screen.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Did you know?

· There have been over 150,000 secrets received.
· In 1973 there was a book entitled Variable Piece 4: Secrets and it was made up of 1800 secrets from strangers
· Post Secret started in November of 2004
· Post Secret received an award from the National Mental Health Association for raising money and awareness for suicide.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Nathan used to be my best friend.

Today we are looking at more websites, how exquisite!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Turn the beat around.

I created and posted a new picture today! Enjoy it and have a lovely weekend!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The End Has No End

I have not blogged in a while. I had taken ill for a bit, but I am back in good health now. I e-mailed Frank Warren, the creator of Post Secret, and all I received back was a generic e-mail saying that he was too busy to respond to e-mails. I am sure as the project progresses and becomes more serious I will find a sure-fire way to contact him.

In the mean time I have been working on key terms which are rather hard to think of with this chosen topic, as well as links to useful websites.

Just letting you all know.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Essential Question

How is letting your secrets out through art helpful?

Monday, May 4, 2009

Family Functions Can Get Pretty Insane

Links! (You're Welcome)

Post Secret

iNist "Over 40% of the clients reported keeping a relevant secret in therapy, and the most frequently listed reason was that they were afraid to express feelings."

Art Therapy

The News-Harold

LifePrints "One of the leading causes of suicide is a feeling of isolation. PostSecret allows people to free themselves, to lighten their burden, and see that they are not alone."

Class is over so I will post more later.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Psst.. Want to hear a secret?

I just met with Ms.Savido and all systems are go for my project being centered on Post Secret! I'm so excited because all of these things interest me and I will love my grad. project if it is on this. I explained what Post Secret was and now I just need to figure out what my point is really. Here is basically what I have:

Samantha's Project:

  • Centered around
  • Action plan: People will submit their secrets to me via shoebox somewhere (perhaps counseler/nurse office?)
    - I will give everyone post cards or keep them near the box
    - The same way I have supplied post cards, I will supply envelopes of the same color
    so all entries are 100% anonymous
  • Rules: Still to be determined. I want to say that there are none, because it is supposed to be art and expressive so I don't want restrictions on it, but I am unsure what the rules are along the lines of appropriateness for presenting. I will ask Ms.Savido more about this in our next encounter.
  • Post cards allow people to express them selves and let out what they have been holding in
  • It is a form of therapy
  • It is related to hopeline (suicide hotline)