Sunday, February 7, 2010

Update on Action Plan

I have been so busy pushing my action plan on every other website that I forgot about my blog. I have started collecting secrets! February 1st was the start of my action plan. I made a group on Facebook with information on how to upload/send the secrets. I've also started spreading the word/nagging to everyone at school.

So far I have had 4 submissions. 2 through the Internet and 2 hard copies that were left on my computer during school while I was away from my seat.

I definitely thought more people would have submitted by now since everyone who had asked me about it seemed interested. That seems to happen with every one's action plan.

I have posted on social networking sites such as Facebook, Myspace and Tumblr.
I plan on starting an e-mail for my family to forward and pass on to others.
The biggest contributors to this project I'm thinking will be my school so I need to send out a mass e-mail to the student body soon.

I plan on meeting with Ms.Savido sometime this week to make sure things are in full motion.

Oh, and I may be interviewing the art teacher at the school my mother works at. I'm also searching for an Art therapist/Writing therapist since my current idea is based on how writing/creatively focusing negative energy helps you feel better vs. punching or violence.

I'm kind of rambling so I'll leave you all with that. Just keeping you up to date!

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